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Jiangxi Leiyuan Permanent Magnetic Materials Co,.Ltd.

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rare earth oxide----terbium oxide(tb4o7)
rare earth oxide----terbium oxide(tb4o7)
Specification: rare earth oxide
Detail: Place of Origin £ºJiangxi, China (Mainland) Brand Name£º Leiyuan magnet Model Number£º 99.99% Type £ºRare Earth Oxide Composite £ºTerbium Shape £ºrare earth oxide Application £ºIndustrial Magnet

raw material cerium rare earth metal
raw material cerium rare earth metal
Specification: rare earth metal
Detail: Place of Origin :Jiangxi, China (Mainland) Brand Name: Leiyuan magnet Model Number :N,M,H,SH,UH,EH Type :rare earth metal Composite :cerium rare earth Metal Shape :rare earth metal Application: Industrial Magnet

rare earth metal
rare earth metal
Specification: rare earth metal
Detail: Place of Origin :Jiangxi, China (Mainland) Brand Name :Leiyuan magnet Model Number :N,M,H,SH,UH,EH Type :Other Composite :Neodymium Magnet Shape :Block Application :Industrial Magnet

rare earth
rare earth
Specification: rare earth power
Detail: Place of Origin :Jiangxi, China (Mainland) Brand Name: Leiyuan magnet Model Number: N,M,H,SH,UH,EH Type :Permanent Composite :Rare Earth Magnet Shape :Strip Application: Industrial Magnet

rare earth metal neodymium metal
rare earth metal neodymium metal
Specification: Rare Earth Metal
Detail: Place of Origin £ºJiangxi, China (Mainland) Brand Name£º Leiyuan magnet Model Number £ºN,M,H,SH,UH,EH Type£º Rare Earth Metal Composite £ºNeodymium Shape £ºrare earth metal Application £ºIndustrial Magnet

rare earth metal dysoresium metal
rare earth metal dysoresium metal
Specification: Rare Earth Metal
Detail: Place of Origin £ºJiangxi, China (Mainland) Brand Name£º Leiyuan magnet Model Number £ºN,M,H,SH,UH,EH Type£º Rare Earth Metal Composite £ºDysoresium Shape £ºrare earth metal Application £ºIndustrial Magnet

rare earth metal terbium metal
rare earth metal terbium metal
Specification: Rare Earth Metal
Detail: Place of Origin £ºJiangxi, China (Mainland) Brand Name£º Leiyuan magnet Model Number £ºN,M,H,SH,UH,EH Type£º Rare Earth Metal Composite £ºPr-Nd Shape £ºrare earth metal Application £ºIndustrial Magnet

rare earth metal pr-nd metal
rare earth metal pr-nd metal
Specification: Rare Earth Metal
Detail: Place of Origin £ºJiangxi, China (Mainland) Brand Name£º Leiyuan magnet Model Number £ºN,M,H,SH,UH,EH Type£º Rare Earth Metal Composite £ºPr-Nd Shape £ºrare earth metal Application £ºIndustrial Magnet
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